Monday, 30 March 2015

Passion Assembly - Script for year 5 to learn parts

PASSION PLAY SCRIPT  (year 5 2015)

Narrator 1: As Jesus was being led to the house of Caiaphas by the soldiers, Peter followed them in the shadows. In the courtyard Peter began to warm himself next a fire trying hard to cover his face so that no-one would recognise him.

Peter: It’s cold tonight!

Lady 1: Wait a minute, you’re one of Jesus’ followers aren’t you? I’m sure I’ve seen you before!

Peter: What are you talking about! I don’t know this man that you speak of!

Man 1: I swear that I saw you in the garden of Gethsemane fighting the guards!

Peter: You must be mistaken, I’ve not been near the gardens tonight!

Man 2: Yes, you’ve definitely been with him, you’re from Galilee, I can tell by your accent!

Peter: I’m certainly not who you think I am, I swear I don’t know this man.

Narrator 2: Peter was angry and raged at the people, then he heard the cock crow and he remembered what Jesus had said would happen – That he would deny knowing Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed.

Peter: Oh what have I done, I’ve failed you my Lord, I am no longer worthy to be a disciple!

Narrator: Peter was devastated and he dashed from the courtyard sobbing.

The Trial

Narrator 1: Jesus was taken before Caiaphas, the high priest, other elders and a crowd of people who had come to watch. As he stood quietly, the people mocked him and jeered at him. Jesus remained silent and calm.

Caiaphas: So, I hear that you have been causing trouble and making outrageous claims, what have you got so say for yourself?

(Jesus remains silent)

Caiaphas: Well we’ll just prove it then. Guards, bring in the 1st witness.

Witness 1: I’ve seen this man using magic and witchcraft to heal people! He must be working with the Devil!

Caiaphas: That’s outrageous!! (mutters with fellow priests & crowd) Bring in the 2nd witness!

Witness 2: I heard him say that he could tear down the temple and rebuild it in 3 days!

Caiaphas: No!! This is disgraceful, he must be mad! (mutters with fellow priests & crowd) Bring in the last witness!

Witness 3: I was actually there when he said that he was the Son of God!!

Caiaphas: Blasphemy!! This is an outrage!! Speak and try to deny it!!

Are you the Son of God?? (tearing at his robes)      

Jesus: I am.

(Uproar everywhere) with cries of                                                                                            

Crowds: Blasphemy, sinner, devil!                                                                                                                                                         Put him to death                                                                                                                                                 What more evidence do we need!!

Caiaphas: Take him to Pontius Pilate, this man deserves to be punished!!

Narrator: Jesus was led away to Pontius Pilate while the crowds abused him, shouting and spitting and calling him a sinner. Jesus remained quiet as he knew what awaited him.

Location: Pilate’s House (pulpit)

Narrator 2: Pontius Pilate. Imperious magistrate,                                                                                                both judge and jury, Upholder of the Empire law,                                                                                         you face a task not faced before.                                                                                                                Your wife has told you of her dreams                                                                                                                     it seems that you should do what you can                                                                                                        to wash your hands of this man

Narrator 3: Pilate was afraid of the crowds of angry people and although he didn’t think that Jesus was a criminal, he was weak and the crowds were shouting ‘Crucify him!’

(Jesus faces Pilate.)

Pilate: Are you the King of the Jews?

Jesus: Do you say I am?

Pilate: Do you not hear how many accusations they make against you?

(Jesus remains silent. Pilate looks amazed.)

Narrator 2: It was the custom of the governor to release a prisoner for the crowd. At that time   they had a notorious prisoner, called Barabbas.

Pilate: (asking the audience) Who do you want me to release for you, Barabbas (point to Barabbas) or Jesus who is called the Messiah?

Crowd: Barabbas!

Pilate: Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?

Crowd: Let Him be crucified!

Pilate: But why? I can’t find any crime against him.

Crowd: Let Him be crucified!

(Crowd sing “Kill him, kill him Crucify the Nazarene”

Pilate mimes washing his hands of the matter.)

Narrator 3: Pilate ordered Jesus to be whipped and beaten. Then He was turned over to the crowd to be crucified.

Location: governor’s headquarters (on centre stage)

Narrator 2: The soldiers stripped Jesus and put a scarlet robe on Him. They twisted some thorns into a crown and pressed it onto His head, tearing his skin. They put a reed in his right hand and knelt before him and mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” Then they stripped Him and cast lots for His clothes.

(Choir sings ‘All hail, King of the Jews’)

Location: Golgotha (centre stage)

(Jesus walks slowly holding a cross. The crowds look on from the side.)

Narrator: Thirty-nine lashes, each stroke multiplied by seven thongs;                                                     knotted to inflict more injury. No part of his body left unbloodied,                                                                              head hooded with a scrub of thorns pressed into flesh.                                                                              Enough to satisfy the mob? No, not enough!                                                                                                          For now he must bear the rough wood of his death upon his shoulder;                                                                                                                                                                              Jagged, splintered wood, abrasive into open wounds.                                                                                               Legs almost too weak to stagger, face bruised and haggard.                                                                       His nightmare journey begins.

(Choir sings ‘Walk alone’)

Take your cross now Jesus man, Walk the road to Calvary alone.                                                                Your innocence, a mockery, Nazarene for what crime do you atone?                                                    Walk alone!

Deaths dark journey calls your name                                                                                                   Crown of thorns crown of shame                                                                                                              Faces filled with hate and blame                                                                                                                   The good you’ve done’s forgotten now.

Narrator 2: Over His head they put the charge against Him, which read, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” At noon, darkness came over the whole land. About three o’clock, Jesus cried out.

Jesus: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Narrator 2: Friday dawn, the clear sharp air, promise of heat yet to come,                                                              No sleep for Mary last night, eyes swollen, red with tears.                                                                                                The news confirmed her darkest fears.                                                                                                                    Lines of worry crease her brow, to friends she seems much older now.                                                           Pain and torment line her gentle face as she tries to summon grace -                                                     fighting terror in the morning sun - she whispers soft,                                                                                                                     “Thy will be done.” He was her sacred, only child… How could she prepare?                                                                   How could she bear the sight of him that greeted her? No recorded words do we find but what thoughts pierced her tortured mind?

Mary: My son, my son… Dear God , if this thing has to be, PLEASE help him in his agony. Thy will be done. My Son! My Son!

Narrator 2: Then Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and breathed his last.

(Jesus’ head lolls over as if dead.)

Narrator 3: Gentle hands now carry him towards the rock of borrowed tomb. Where, using herbs and spices as in the custom, women wash and prepare his body with care and loving tenderness. Night comes swiftly, Time to leave.

Choir sing: Precious Saviour, Laid to rest, shattered hopes, such emptiness, lifeless Lord, It is over now… Night has come, the darkest hour. Our hope is gone, Here in this stone cold grave, the one we thought would save us, where is solace to be found?

It is over now, it is over now…




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