Friday, 26 June 2015

Mental maths (As in...... totally mental!)

Here are just some of the outcomes of a rather tricky maths activity year 5 carried out today.

For your information: Plan view = view from directly above shape. Front view = view from the front of shape. Side view = view from the side of the shape.

The children had to use a set of diagrams to create different multilink shapes replicating the plan, front and side views of the shapes. Sound complicated? It certainly was! But we refused to admit defeat.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Fr Joe O'Connor enlightens Year 5!

Some of you may know Fr Joe O'Connor from different parishes around Blackpool. Some of you may know him on a personal level. Some of you, (older people!) may remember when Fr Joe was the Headmaster of St Cuthbert's School!

Well, Fr Joe recently took a trip down memory lane this term and came into class to answer some of our more difficult questions about the meaning of life and different events in the life of Jesus. We thoroughtly enjoyed his visit and are looking forward to him returning to St Cuthbert's.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Year 5 Gymnasts of the Year!!!!

Blackpool Football Club are currently providing some excellent gymnastic lessons to year 5. Take a look at some of the wild and wonderful activities we have been getting up to..

Domanic spring jumping over the box..

Aleksandra (AKA Indianna Jones)..

I always said they were monkeys!

Sonny on the bars (Just before falling!)

Jacob actually made it across!!

Upsidedown Aidan..

Kacper & Fynnley, 1..2..3 UP!

Elegant Annabella,

Go Ruby GO!

But first place goes to the excellent Ella!!! What a star!!!!


Tuesday, 9 June 2015

IMPORTANT - Year 5 taster day @ St Mary's

Dear parents,

On Monday year 5 have been invited to a taster day at St Mary's Catholic Academy. Your child has been issued with a letter outlining details and a permission slip.

Please make sure your child's permission slips are signed and returned to school before Friday 12th June (THIS FRIDAY) otherwise they will not be permitted to attend.

Many thanks

Mrs Higgins