Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Autumn term 1

We've had such a busy first half term with lots of excellent work being produced and fun activities! We explored the Greek myth of Pandora's box, made sherbet by following instructions closely and discovered loads of interesting things about the Vikings! Have a look at some of the moments we captured...

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Welcome to year 5 blog!

We will be posting regular updates about our class on our blog, and our team who keep everyone updated is:
Theo, Joshua, Cameron & Wiktoria!
So, our bloggers will be working hard to write interesting things as soon as possible!!

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Ratatouille - The film and the food!

Having studied l'histoire de Paris (the history of Paris) this half term we decided to take a look at the film Ratatouille as it is set in the city itself. Following this it seemed only natural to incorporate some instructional text about how to make ratatouille, which was a typical peasant meal eaten all over France in the 18th century.

Guess what we did next? Yep, we followed our own instructions and actually cooked a huge pan of delicious ratatouille. See evidence below..

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Presenting the Data! (without eating it)

Ok, so we handed the children a plate of 24 various coloured skittles and set them the challenge of 'Presenting the Data' in any which mathematical way they liked.

Seem like a load of nonsense? Not so. The children came up with all sorts of excellent ideas including; different charts and graphs; ratio & proportion; fractions of all types; symmetrical images caught on the photo booth app plus lots, lots more besides.

Let us blow you away with our results!



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Friday, 3 July 2015

Symmetrical Illusions

In maths today children used the 'Photo Booth' app on their iPads to create some illusions using symmetry. Have a look at these photos and see if you notice anything unusual....

 Nothing strange about this one eh?

Friday, 26 June 2015

Mental maths (As in...... totally mental!)

Here are just some of the outcomes of a rather tricky maths activity year 5 carried out today.

For your information: Plan view = view from directly above shape. Front view = view from the front of shape. Side view = view from the side of the shape.

The children had to use a set of diagrams to create different multilink shapes replicating the plan, front and side views of the shapes. Sound complicated? It certainly was! But we refused to admit defeat.