Friday, 19 December 2014

Award ceremony!

So, to mark the end of an amazing autumn term we decided to hold a prestigious awards ceremony in year five. Ranging from 'Most improved writer' to 'Positive mental attitude' Mrs Lee and I were over the moon to be able to present these hard working children with certificates.

Following a rocky start in September, I am now unbelievably proud to say that this group of children have matured and developed beyond my wildest expectations both socially and academically.

Mrs Lee and I genuinely look forward to the spring term with your fabulous offspring!


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Christmas ginger bread decorating!!

Mrs Platt, aka Mother Christmas, has lovingly baked a stack of christmassy shaped ginger breads for us to smother in icing and sprinkles! We are going to attempt to save them until after our Christmas dinner later on but I'm starting to think all attempts are futile. They smell AMAZING!!!!

Friday, 5 December 2014

Musicians in the making!

Here are some pictures of our super claranet players in action. In January you lucky people will have the opportunity to listen to them perform along with the flute players. Flute photos to follow..

Look out Grundy Art Museum!

As part of our themed writing unit on A Christmas Carol, last week at The GrundyArt Museum Year Five were given the fabulous opportunity to become actors and actresses for the morning. We wrote and performed our very own ghost stories and some of us were even recorded! Check out our pics!